Ibrahim Sheikh 🍫
Ibrahim Sheikh

Software Engineer

About Me

I am Ibrahim Sheikh, a computer engineering student at K. N. Toosi University of Technology in Tehran, Iran, with a passion for solving problems and exploring innovative technologies. My academic journey, highlighted by a GPA of 3.56/4, reflects my dedication to excellence in fields like software engineering and Artificial Intelligence. Beyond coursework, I’ve have 4 years of experience as a software engineer, which has sparked my interest in distributed systems, operating systems, and scalability.

Also I have Experience in developing NLP and Computer Vision projects that have given me a solid foundation in machine learning and deep learning. Seeing the impact the field of AI can have on society, I am eager to continue exploring this area and contributing to its advancement.

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  • Software Engineering
  • Distributed Systems
  • Operating Systems
  • Large Language Models
  • Computer Vision
  • Deep Learning
  • BSc Computer Engineering

    K. N. Toosi University of Technology

📚 My Research
I am passionate about software engineering and artificial intelligence, with a particular interest in distributed systems, operating systems and deep learning. My research interests include creating systems that are efficient, reliable, and scalable. Recently, I’ve become interested in the intersection of AI and software engineering, and how AI can be used to improve software development processes.